Time | File Name | File Size | Mode | Bitrate | Layer
03:31 | The Bells.mp3 | 1685127 | JStereo | 64 kB/s | Layer 3
| 13:34 | The Cask of Amontillado.mp3 | 6509096 | JStereo | 64 kB/s | Layer 3
| 34:19 | The Gold Bug.mp3 | 6176614 | Mono | 24 kB/s | Layer 3
| 78:13 | The Murders in the Rue Morgue.mp3 | 37544259 | JStereo | 64 kB/s | Layer 3
| 28:16 | The Pit And Pendulum.mp3 | 5087746 | Mono | 24 kB/s | Layer 3
| 08:30 | The Raven [Christopher Walken].mp3 | 8164259 | JStereo | 128 kB/s | Layer 3
| |
Number of files : 6
Total bytes : 63636 kB
Total time : 2 hours, 46 minutes and 23 seconds
This list was created with MP3List version 1.1
(and a pretty darn good software at
This site was last updated 06/05/01
2001-06-05 19:19:03